Pubg mobile for pc version
Pubg mobile for pc version

pubg mobile for pc version pubg mobile for pc version
  1. #Pubg mobile for pc version how to#
  2. #Pubg mobile for pc version .exe#
  3. #Pubg mobile for pc version install#
  4. #Pubg mobile for pc version drivers#

#Pubg mobile for pc version drivers#

In case the installer says some drivers or libraries are missing, you can download those files from the same link.Ģ. Click on this link and download PUBG Lite on your computer. So having said all of that, let’s move to the installation steps.ġ. Apart from that, your PC should have at least 4GB of RAM, an i3 processor, Intel HD 4000 or mid-tier AMD Radeon graphics and should be running Windows 10, 8 or 7. The game has been developed by Tencent itself so there is not much to do for installation. Do note that in order to keep the playing field level, players using an emulator will only be matched with other players using an emulator and even though the game allows you to enter matches with your friends who are playing on mobile devices, your friends might find themselves at a significant disadvantage going against players using a keyboard and mouse.Īs I said above, PUBG Lite is another way you can enjoy this awesome battle royale game on your Windows PC.

pubg mobile for pc version

Once you’re done customizing everything as per your liking, you can jump right into a game and have fun playing PUBG Mobile on your PC. The panel can easily be hidden when not in use. While most PC gamers will be familiar with the controls, if you’ve never played a shooting game on your PC before, I would strongly advise you to go through the controls and memorize them as well as you can. The first time you start the game, you’ll see a controls panel to the right of the emulator which will list down all the keyboard and mouse controls to play the game. Now that you’ve got the game downloaded and have already applied the optimal settings, you can run the game.

  • Adjust In-Game Settings for Best Performance.
  • Once you’re done changing the settings, you’ll need to restart the emulator for the settings to take effect, but make sure you restart after the download is complete or you might have to start downloading the game from scratch. In my testing, I also found that selecting the lowest possible DPI from the ‘DPI’ drop-down menu also has a positive impact on the performance.
  • Select the highest memory setting available in the ‘Memory’ drop-down menu, select the maximum number of cores available in the ‘Processor’ drop-down menu and set the resolution as per your personal preference.
  • If you don’t have a dedicated GPU, turning on the setting will have no effect on the performance.
  • In the ‘Engine’ tab, you need to turn on the ‘Prioritize Dedicated GPU’ setting to ensure that the emulator makes use of the dedicated GPU on your system which will greatly improve the performance.
  • #Pubg mobile for pc version install#

    The setup executable will first install the emulator on your system, after which, you can click on PUBG Mobile to download the game.

    #Pubg mobile for pc version .exe#

    exe file and the setup wizard will guide you through the process. The setup process is quite simple and straightforward just run the. To get started, you’ll need to download the setup file from this link and install the emulator on your Windows PC. Gameloop is rightly claimed to be the best-ever emulator for PUBG Mobile and it’s relatively simple to use. Play PUBG Mobile on PC: Set Up Gameloop Emulator In the end, we have highlighted the optimal settings that you should use to run the game smoothly so check that too.

    #Pubg mobile for pc version how to#

    Having said all of that, let’s begin with Gameloop first and learn how to set it up. We will go through both of them and find out which one is the best way to play PUBG on PCs. It was released last year in July and since then, PUBG Lite has also amassed a significant player base. Next is PUBG Lite - a proper desktop game developed by Tencent for Windows PCs. Earlier, it was called Tencent Gaming Buddy but it has been renamed to Gameloop now. The most popular one is the Gameloop emulator - developed by Tencent itself - because it has a huge player base and runs exactly like PUBG Mobile. Currently, there are two official ways to Play PUBG on Windows PCs.

    Pubg mobile for pc version